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“FundingPost allows the venture community to review many interesting deals in a short period of time. The consistent format allows VCs to quickly evaluate companies raising capital based on the criteria that's most important to them. Canaan Partners is happy to participate in this process.” - Deepak Kamra, Canaan Partners “I know that I’ve invested in at least one deal associated with FundingPost events, and it’s a great networking opportunity with the founders and the VCs that are there. I’m looking forward to this one!” - John Filla, Angel Investor, Houston Angel Network “I am happy to be a member of FundingPost.com. We always find good prospects, and the interface is efficient and easy to use. Thanks for putting this together.” - George Petracek, Atrium Capital “FundingPost is a great way to quickly and efficiently evaluate a group of pre-qualified deals. It is a true win-win: The entrepreneur gets an audience with VCs and the VCs get to hear a honed, to-the-point pitch. I am glad FundingPost has put this together, and plan to use this as a regular part of the way I do business.” - Jon Staenberg, Partner, Rustic Canyon Partners “We’ve made about 20 investments in technology companies, including one from a previous FundingPost conference. We found the forum very conducive to dealmaking, good information flow, and just a good way to network between founders and funders.” - Ron Thompson, Corporate Angels “FundingPost is a great resource for entrepreneurs. My investors invested $100K into a company that I met at their last Los Angeles event! I look forward to their next one!” - Stephen Silver, MAVN Funding “I'm often asked what I think is the most important thing a start up company can have when searching for funding for their company. Some might say a “great idea”, some would point to “a super business plan”, but my opinion is that we would have failed miserably without the credible introductions and referrals we received from the FundingPost directors and their events. By posting Senscient's Executive Summary on FundingPost.Com and by attending their High Tech Venture Conference Workshops, we were introduced to many of the top investors in our space. One of FundingPost's Investors made the truly pivotal referral for us into the Houston Angel Network who, 6 months later, led our Series A round to the close. Subsequent referrals and introductions facilitated our connections to the angel investors in our Convertible Bridge Round as well as the two major Venture Capital groups in our Series B raise to complete Senscient's total fund raising needs in just 2 years. Without the credible and insider referrals we received by joining the FundingPost family, the Senscient team believes we would not have been successful in funding our dream.” - Jean Berthold, CSMO, VP, Senscient, Inc. “I am pleased to recommend the FundingPost events. I have presented our product, MyOnlineToolbox, and was very happy with the quality of the attendees, timely organization and assistance that FundingPost provided. We did obtain investment from a sophisticated Angel Investor we presented to and will attend again for future rounds of financing.” - Brian Javeline, President & CEO of ServusXchange, LLC. “FundingPost's Boston early stage VC and angels event helped me connect with the very elusive VC community – I not only made good connections, but also got a meeting with a renowned VC firm within one day of the event! Joe did a great job organizing the event and ran it extremely well to the detail. I believe that FundingPost is doing a great job of connecting entrepreneurs with investors – missionary work in my mind. Take care and keep in touch.” - Mangesh Wadegaonkar, Dragonfly Products Company “I am happy to be a member of FundingPost.com. We always find good prospects, and the interface is efficient and easy to use. Thanks for putting this together.” - George Petracek, Atrium Capital “I had two Venture Capital Firms request a business plan in last couple of weeks from FundingPost due to being a Pitching Across America winner. Thanks FundingPost!” - Cameron Gunn, Shield Technology Group “I recently listed my company on FundingPost.com and as a result of their introduction, we took an hour-long meeting with a VC at their office! We'll let you know where it leads. Thank you FundingPost for helping us connect!” - Tom Hawkett, Connect4Growth Corp. “Joe Rubin and the team at FundingPost put together some of the most lively, relevant early-stage conferences around! They are a great way for VCs to network with Peers, meet Entrepreneurs, and see what’s current and what’s not in terms of technology, distribution & markets. I have been a regular contributor at these events and look forward to the next one in NYC!” - Maneesh Sagar, Connecticut Innovations “I am very excited about having invested in Cloud Systems, an emerging leader in the enterprise control system software space, thanks to FundingPost.com and my panel participation in November 2005 at the Menlo Park Venture Conference where I met their CFO and partner.” - Bob Welch, Coast Ventures “FundingPost's Perfect Venture Conference in New York was simply, Amazing! The pace a which Joe and Howie ran this event reminded me of my time in boot camp; never stopping to rest always go, go, go. This event turned out to be the best value-for-time investment our company has made to date. Where else will you have the opportunity to sit face-to-face with as many check writers in such a short period of time? As a result of our participation in this event, we have followed up with six investment firms and have begun negotiations with one. This is great news for us and for FundingPost to validate our expenditure their event and their company's mission, "To connect entrepreneurs and investors." If your thinking about, or are hesitant as to if FundingPost is right for you, ask yourself or the board you answer to: "Can we afford the overhead to operate for another two quarters without funding, while I cold-call and knock on locked doors seeking a face-to-face with anyone who will give our business an honest listen?" If your answer is yes, then why are you seeking investors, and if your answer is no, then get on the phone and beg Joe to let you attend the next PVC wherever it may be.” -Christopher Pavese, Quad Group, Inc. |
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