
Thursday, January 19, 2012



Biography - Dr. Joseph N. Williams Sr.

Man of distinction, integrity and wisdom, developer, entrepreneur, humanitarian, musician, husband, father, preacher, mentor, educator...a few of the titles Dr. Joseph Williams operates in daily, with exemplary form. From early, humble beginnings in Brooklyn, New York, where he was born the fourth son of his father and mother, the Late Bishop John C. Williams and Dr. Kathryn J. Williams, it was evident that this spirit-filled vessel was destined for a life of public service that would reach global proportions.
A proud graduate of the New York City Public School System, and Viet Nam Vet, serving this country with dignity in the U.S. Armed Forces. His studies include concentrations in Liberal Arts, Business and Theology, along with several specialized training programs across the United States, earning a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from Brooklyn College, studies in accounting at the University of Maryland, certification from the American Institute of Banking, Masters Degrees in Religious Education and Theology, and finally, achieving Doctorates in Divinity and Sacred Theology.

The Bishop

He was ordained in 1975, faithfully serving as Assistant Pastor, and released by Bishop Ronald H. Carter as Founder and Senior Pastor of the Apostolic Faith Assembly, now known as Christ Church International, Inc. in Jamaica, New York, and serves there to date. In 1995, Bishop Williams was consecrated to the episcopacy. To date, he continues to carry a passionate message of Christ's saving power across the globe to include Europe, Africa, Israel, Canada and the Caribbean.
A sought after conference speaker who is passionate about mentoring young men and women, in addition to ministering as an oracle of God globally. Bishop Williams believes that God desires healthy Christians spiritually and naturally, and they must be given opportunities to serve God and grow in their Christian Life. This is the trend of thought that inspired Dr. Williams to develop Harvest Development Corporation, the non-profit arm of his vision, whose mission is to advantage the disadvantaged through social and economic services. The Board of Directors comprises professional and life experienced congregants along with consultants that govern polices set forth, offering youth and adult programs and services. Additionally, Harvest Enterprises (for-profit) focuses on economic development of the membership through investment strategies and other vehicles that will produce cash flow and raise the quality of life financially for those involved


 Dr. Williams' philanthropic pursuits keep him very active in the community, serving as a Chaplain for the New York City Transit Authority, as well as, Chaplain for several hospitals in the tri-state area, ministering to those in need of spiritual counsel and support. He has served on the Queens Board for Habit for Humanity and the Advisory counsel for Concerts of Prayer Greater New York, and currently serves with the Queens Network of Pastors, uniting local leadership in the public witness of Jesus Christ; is co-founder of the International Network of Churches, Ministries and Businesses, who's design is to achieve balance between ministry and business to further advance the Kingdom of God in the earth globally. Dr. Williams is proudest of his foundling, The Berean Bible Institute and School of Ministry, where the emphasis is on teaching students the content, meaning, interpretation and theology of the word of God. This is a man of inspiration and implementation, charging all he encounters to "move forward" with exuberance and passion.


 He shares his vision and zest for life with his wife, Carolyn Williams; woman who has supported his efforts selflessly. Dr. Williams is the proud father of Joseph and Carla; and grandfather of two active, growing champions, Destini and Christopher.

Conversation with Wisdom A Fathers Heart

One of the most exciting things about coming to the knowledge of truth, is how inexhaustible it remains. More than ever, authentic Christianity in this day and time, needs what is greater than mental assent and emotion. A true relationship with God must have the firm foundation of biblical truth on which to organize, build and sustain Godly character.
These chapters are birthed from years of experience growing up in the inner city, and my survival as a Christian man. The precept and example of my late parents, instilled from my earliest remembrance, taught me that what I eat does not strengthen, but rather what I digest. After much thought and prayer, I feel this is the right time to add written strength and encouragement to men, women and especially the youth of our communities.
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Conversation with Wisdom Workbook

You see friend, the Kingdom of God is primarily about doing business His way. In a phrase, it is simply spiritual alignment. This book is designed to bring you the reader, into deeper experienced reality of your relationship with God. Living and moving in step with Godly wisdom, brings fulfillment to your destiny in the earth. Wise words and actions act as tools of provocation, to move you into timing and purpose.
Collections of wise sayings available to us in the Holy Scriptures, make us secure, steadfast and not easily moved. I invite you to dialogue with your destiny, as you read and ingest truth for your life contained in the pages of this workbook. 
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Conversation with Wisdom A Fathers Heart


Conversation with Wisdom Workbook

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